Wednesday, November 16, 2011

NBA Lockout Update

The NBA Lockout continues. After another meeting, the players and the owners still have not reached an agreement. It is quite possible that there may not be a 2011-2012 season.

Carmelo Anthony and Kevin Durant both have filed lawsuits against the league, stating they left them no choice. The players are suing for triple the $2 billion they would have received for an entire season, claiming antitrust violations and that the league is preventing them from playing in their short NBA careers. NBA spokesperson, Tim Frank said, "They warned us from the early days of these negotiations that they would sue us if we didn’t satisfy them at the bargaining table, and they appear to have followed through on their threats." Attorney David Boies, for the players, said the case could take months, but hopes that things will be resolved sooner.

The players were willing to compromise and take the deal but the owners still wanted a bigger cut. The major problem in this situation, is greed and selfishness.

As, Dwayne Wade stated in an interview, What about the families of the employees who are out of work? Meaning the employes who work at the arenas. Is anyone thinking about them?

We hope that they can come to some sort of an agreement soon.

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